Isaac Anson Sackett

FatherJonathan Sackett (c 1730-1797)
Mother___ ___
Marriage1809Eunice Davis1
Isaac Anson Sackett, son of Jonathan Sackett and ___ ___, was born in ConnecticutG on 1 October 1785.1,2,3 He committed suicide by shooting in Stamford, Delaware County, New York StateG, on 4 February 1852.1 He married on 18 May 1809, Eunice Davis, daughter of Nehemiah Davis and Hannah Davis.1 Eunice was born in ConnecticutG in about 1787.3
     Isaac was listed in the 1810 census as a householder in Stamford, Delaware CountyG.4 In 1820 and 1830 he was a householder in Harpersfield, Delaware CountyG.5,6 In 1840 he was again in StamfordG.7
     In 1850 he was living in Harpersfield, Delaware County, New York StateG, in the household of Alex and Abigail Burch, and was recorded as Isaac A Sackett, a laborer, aged 65 and born in Connecticut.8
     Isaac's wife Eunice, aged 63, was living in Stamford, Delaware CountyG, in 1850. A Hannah Fuller, 29, in her household, may have been her daughter.9
     In 1855 Isaac's widow Eunice was living in StamfordG and was recorded in the census as Eunice Sacket, a farmer, a widow, aged 63. Living with her were her daughter Hannah Grant, 30, with her husband John, 26, and their daughter Marilla, aged one.10
     In 1860 she was living in StamfordG and was recorded as Emma Sacket (an enumeration error for Eunice), aged 73. Her daughter Hannah Grant, 37, was living with her, with her husband and children.11
     In 1870 she was living in Sanford, Broome County, New York StateG, in the household of her daughter Emily and son-in-law Eliphalet Robinson, and was recorded as Eunice Sacket, aged 84.12

Children of Isaac Anson Sackett and Eunice Davis

756. Isaac Anson Sackett, 1785–1852, of Stamford, Delaware County, N. Y., son of (283) Joseph Sackett, was married, May 18, 1809, to Eunice Davis, daughter of Nehemiah Davis, 1785–__, and his wife Hannah Thorp. He was by occupation in early life a blacksmith, but in his later years followed farming. There is a mystery surrounding his death. He left his home, not saying where he was going, and did not return. After a considerable lapse of time a search was determined upon and his dead body was found in a nearby piece of woods. An examination of his remains revealed the fact that his death had resulted from a gunshot wound.
1846a. Louisa W. Sackett, b. Oct. 24, 1810.
1846b. Orramel E. Sackett, b. Sept. 25, 1812.
1846c. Emily Sackett, b. June 24, 1815, d. Mar. 15, 1905.
1846d. Nehemiah Sackett, b. June 12, 1817.
1846e. Ornano H. Sackett, b. Dec. 21, 1818.
1846f. Hannah Sackett, b. June 3, 1821.
1846g. Edwin O. Sackett, b. July 2, 1823.
1846h. Socrates Sackett, b. Dec. 16, 1827; m. Ruby M. Davis.

[Note: Jacobus, Families of Ancient New Haven, lists Isaac as a resident of Harpersville, NY, in 1806, and includes him as a son of Jonathan Sackett who died in 1798. Identification with Jonathan of Harpersville, NY, is more likely than with Joseph of Huntingdon County, PA.]

State of New York
Delaware County
On the Examination of witnesses produced sworn & examined on the 11th day of February 1852 at the town of Stamford in said county before me Harry R. Hamilton one of the coroners in and for said county and Jeffry H Champlin, Robert English, Mr John Baggs, Urial Hamilton, David B. Case, William Marshall, Charles Cauffin, David Squires, Nicholas Champlin, Miles Stewdley & Norman K. Wilcox & John R. Clark, good and lawful men of the said county duly sworn upon their oaths to enquire into all the circumstances attending the death of Isaac A. Sacket & by whome the same was produced and in which manner & when & where the said Isaac A. Sacket came to his death do say upon their oaths aforesaid, that the said Isaac A. Sackett did voluntarily and of his own malice aforethought inflict a mortal wound in and upon the head of him the said Isaac A. Sacket. Of which said mortal wound the said Isaac A. Sackett, then & there instantly died & so the jurors aforesaid upon their oaths aforesaid say that the said Isaac A. Sackett did then and there in the manner aforesaid and at the place aforesaid voluntairly & of his own malice and aforethought kill and Murder himself the said Isaac A. Sacket against the peace of the people of this State & their dignity.
In witness whereof as well the Said Coroner as the jurors aforesaid have to this inquisition set their hands & Seals
on the day of the date of this inquistion aforesaid Henry R. Hamilton Cornoner
[Signed by the jurors]

Coroner's report dated 28 Sep 1852, held by the County Clerk, Delhi, Delaware County, on the Inquest held 11 Feb 1852 at Stamford into the death of Isaac A Sackett on 4 Feb 1852, states also that "Sworn statements given at the inquest indicate that on Wednesday, Feb 4, 1852 Isaac borrowed a neighbor's shot gun and went into the swamp area with the stated purpose of hunting rabbits." [Thurmon King, 17 Feb 2004, from research by Bill Sackett.]

 Notes & Citations

  1. Charles Weygant, The Sacketts of America, "756. Isaac A. Sackett, b. Oct. 1, 1785, d. Feb. 1852; m. Eunice Davis."
  2. Donald Jacobus, Families of Ancient New Haven, Genealogical Publishing Co Inc, Baltimore (1981) (American Ancestors image), p1583–8, "Isaac [Sackett, s. of Jonathan]; res. Harpersfield, N.Y., 1806."
  3. Census.
  4. 1810 United States census, "Isaac A Sacket, Stamford, Delaware County, New York State, 2 males 16-25, 1 female 16-25, total 3."
  5. 1820 United States census, "Isaac A Sackett, Harpersfield, Delaware County, New York State, 3 males under 10, 1 male 26-44, 2 females under 10, 1 female 26-44, total 7."
  6. 1830 United States census, "Isaac A Sacket, Harpersfield, Delaware County, New York State, 1 male under 5, 1 male 5-9, 2 males 10-14, 1 male 15-19, 1 male 40-49, 1 female 5-9, 2 females 15-19, 1 female 40-49, total 10."
  7. 1840 United States census, "Isaac Sackett, Stamford, Delaware County, New York State, 1 male 10-14, 1 male 20-29, 1 male 50-59, 1 female 40-49, total 4."
  8. 1850 United States Federal Census, Roll M432_494, p. 175
    Harpersfield, Delaware, New York
    Sackett, Isaac A, 65, laborer, b. CT
    [In household of Alex & Abigail Burch].
  9. 1850 United States Federal Census, Roll M432_494, p. 179
    Stamford, Delaware, New York
    Sachett, Eunice, 63, real estate $1,200, b. CT
    Fuller, Hannah, 29, b. CT.
  10. 1855 New York state census, Stamford, Delaware, New York
    Eunice Sacket, 63, head, wd, b. CT, res. in Stamford 55y, farmer
    John H Grant, 26, son-in-law
    Hannah Grant, 30, daughter
    Marilla J Grant, 1, granddaughter.
  11. 1860 United States Federal Census, Roll M653_743, p 465, FHL film 803743
    Stamford, Delaware County, New York
    Sacket, Emma, 73, real estate $700, personal estate $200, b. CT
    Grant, John H, 37, stage driver, b. NY
    Grant, Hannah, 37, b. NY
    Grant, Marilla J, 6, b. NY
    Grant, Arthur, 4, b. NY
    Grant, infant, 7/12, f, b. NY.
  12. 1870 United States Federal Census, Roll M593_907, p 434A, FHL film
    Sanford, Broome County, New York
    Robinson, Eliphalet, 59, farmer, real estate $2000, b. NH
    Robinson, Emily, 55, keeping house, b. NY
    Robinson, Martha R, 23, b. NY
    Robinson, James F, 9, at school, b. NY
    Sacket, Eunice, 84, no occupation, b. CT.
Sackett line2nd great-grandson of John Sackett of New Haven
ChartsLine 4 (American)
Last Edited24 Nov 2023
Sackett Database5798 Isaac Anson Sackett

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