Vincent Andrews Sackett

FatherJohn Sackett (1743-1827)
MotherCatherine Andrews (c 1753-1831)
Birth1793, St Peter in ThanetG
Baptism1793, St Peter in ThanetG,1
Death1883, NorthwoodG,2,3,4
Marriage1814, St Peter in ThanetGMary Browning5
Vincent Andrews Sackett, farmer of Northwood, St Peter in Thanet, Kent, son of John Sackett and Catherine Andrews, was born in St Peter in ThanetG on 4 May 1793 and baptized there on 20 May 1793.1 He died aged 90 in NorthwoodG on 5 June 18832,3,4 and was buried at St Peter in ThanetG on 11 June 1883.6 He married at St Peter in ThanetG on 29 October 1814, Mary Browning, daughter of William Browning and Sarah ___.5 Mary was baptized at Stourmouth, KentG, on 19 October 1789.7 She died aged 68 in ThanetG,8 and was buried at St Peter in ThanetG on 4 January 1858.9 Mary was a sister of Jane Browning, the wife of Barzillai Cock who was a witness at the marriage of Vincent and Mary.10,11,12 Also living in Vincent and Mary's household was Elizabeth Cock, a niece of Mary's brother-in-law Barzillai Cock. Vincent had two illegitimate children by Elizabeth: Vincent in about 1837 and Barzillai in 1844. They were brought up in Vincent and Mary's household alongside their legitimate child Mary. Elizabeth continued to live in the household, being described in the 1851 census as Vincent's niece and a domestic servant. Elizabeth Cock, who was the daughter of William Cock and Sarah ___, was baptized at St John in Thanet, KentG, on 4 July 1819.13
     Vincent was named as a beneficiary in his father's will made in St Peter in Thanet, KentG, on 26 April 1823. He was left all remaining property and personal estate after other bequests, and was appointed an executor of the will.14
     In 1851 Vincent was living at Northwood, St Peter in ThanetG, and was recorded in the census as Vincent A Sackett, head of household, a farmer with 15 acres, aged 57 and born in St Peter's. The other members of his household were his wife Mary, aged 59 and born in Stourmouth, Kent, his unmarried daughter, Mary, aged 23, his sons, Vincent, 13, and Barzillai, 6, his granddaughter Julia, 5, and his niece, Elizabeth Cox, a domestic servant aged 30.15
     In 1861 he was living at NorthwoodG and was recorded as Vincent Sackett, a farmer of 13 acres, head of household, a widower, aged 67. Living with him were E Cox, niece and housekeeper, unmarried, aged 40, and B Cox, a servant, aged 17, and described as Vincent's niece.16 [E Cox would be Elizabeth Cock; it is unclear who B Cox would have been, although it is likely to have been a wrongly recorded Barzillai Sackett, son of Vincent and Elizabeth, who has not been found elsewhere in this census.]
     In 1871 he was living at NorthwoodG and was recorded as Vincent Sackett,a farmer "out of business", head of household, a widower, aged 77. Living with him was Elizabeth Cox, aged 50, described as a general domestic servant.17
     In 1881 he was living at NorthwoodG and was recorded as Vincent A Sackett, a former farmer, head of household, a widower, aged 87. Living with him was Elizabeth Cox, housekeeper, unmarried, aged 60 and born in Canterbury.18
     Vincent's will, made in NorthwoodG on 15 March 1882, was proved at Canterbury on 21 July 1883. Named as beneficiaries were his son Barzillai, his grandson George Taylor, and his granddaughter Mary Jane Matilda Taylor. He appointed his son Barzillai and Charles Giles, husband of his granddaughter Julia, as executors and trustees. He placed his homestead of 5½ acres, with two cottages, in trust, one cottage to continue to be occupied by his son-in-law George Taylor, and the other to be occupied by his grandchildren George Taylor and Mary Taylor, the two grandchildren to be responsible for their father's maintenance. He left to his common-law wife Elizabeth Cock "commonly called Elizabeth Sackett" all household furniture and effects, and the right to live in his cottage for six months after his death. The residue of his estate was to go to his son Barzillai. The value of his personal estate was £147.19
Abstract of will of Vincent Andrew Sackett of Northwood, St Peter's, Kent.
Date: 15 March 1882.
Proved: Canterbury, 21 July 1883.
Source: National Archives.
Will of Vincent Andrew Sackett, yeoman, of Northwood, St Peter's, died 5 June 1883 at Northwood. Will proved Canterbury 21 July 1883. £147 2s 11d. Executors: Barzillai Cock, Northwood, yeoman, & Charles Giles, 19 Holmesdale Road, Bromley, Kent, mason.
Vincent Andrew Sackett, yeoman, of Northwood, St Peter's, Thanet, Kent.
Executors & trustees: my natural son Barzillai Cock commonly known as Barzillai Sackett, of Northwood, yeoman, & Charles Giles of Bromley, Kent, stonemason. Just debts, funeral expenses, testamentary expenses to be paid out of first rents & profits to come to hand eafter my decease due to my estate.
To trustees, Homestead containing 5½ acres with 2 cottages & other buildings situate at Northwood & to their heirs & assigns upon trust to permit my son-in-law George Taylor to have the use of the cottage in which he now lives during the term of his natural life. Upon further trust to permit my two grandchildren George Taylor & Mary Jane Matilda Taylor to use & occupy the other lands & buildings forming the said homestead during the life of my son-in-law George Taylor, they maintaining the said son-in-law & finding him all necessary food, drink, & clothing or in lieu paying him out of rents & profits of same said homestead the sum of 8/0d weekly.
After death of son-in-law, Trustees to possess homestead & buildings thereon in trust. Cottage son-in-law now lives in, plus outkitchen & barn & one moiety or half-part of farmlands of homestead as the same is now marked out for my grandson George Taylor & his heirs. Cottage in which I now reside & pantile lodge & remaining moiety or half of land upon trust for my granddaughter Mary Jane Matilda Taylor & her heirs for her own sole & separate use free from debts, control & engagements of any husband with whom she may intermarry. Provided always in the event of death of either of my grandchildren George Taylor or Mary Jane Matilda Taylor without legitimate issue, total passes to survivor. If both die then all passes to Barzillai Cock/Sackett & his children as tenants in common. Title deeds to homestead to be held by Barzillai Cock/Sackett or his heirs, but to be produced for inspection by the Taylors on request. Right of way on foot, but not for farm carts, along road in front of grandson's cottage to Mary Jane Matilda Taylor or other occupiers of cottage & pantile lodge. Privy & well in yard to be used in common by owners of both cottages & lodge.
To Elizabeth Cock commonly called Elizabeth Sackett, all household furniture, goods & effects, & right to live in cottage where testator now lives for 6 months after his decease rent free.
Residue to Barzillai Cock/Sackett.
Will signed by making mark.
Witnesses: A. Bromley Burrows, solicitor, Ramsgate, & H. Smith, his clerk.

Child of Vincent Andrews Sackett and Mary Browning

Children of Vincent Andrews Sackett and Elizabeth Cock

 Notes & Citations

  1. Baptisms Register, St Peter in Thanet, Kent (Society of Genealogists), "20 May 1793 Vincent Andrews s. John & Catherine Sackett, b. 4 May."
  2. General Register Office, Online Index to Deaths, "Jun qtr 1883. Sackett, Vincent Andrew, 90. Thanet."
  3. Memorial Inscriptions, St Peter in Thanet, Kent (Pat Tritton, Canterbury Cathedral Archives), Sacred to the memory of Henry son of John and Katherine Sackett of Northwood, who died in the West Indies the 19th June 1806 aged 18 years also Edward, son the above who departed this life October the 21st 1818 aged 27 years Likewise two of their children who died in infancy Also of the above named John Sackett who departed this life March 11 1827 aged 83 years also of Katherine Sackett wife of the above who died October 9 1831 aged 78 years also of Vincent Andrew Sackett who died June 5, 1883, aged 90 years.
  4. Will of Vincent Andrew Sackett of Northwood, St Peter's, Kent, 15 March 1882, proved at Canterbury, 21 July 1883 (National Archives), Will of Vincent Andrew Sackett, yeoman, of Northwood, St Peter's, died 5 June 1883 at Northwood. Will proved Canterbury 21 July 1883. £147 2s 11d. Executors: Barzillai Cock, Northwood, yeoman, & Charles Giles, 19 Holmesdale Road, Bromley, Kent, mason.
  5. Marriages Register, St Peter in Thanet, Kent (Tyler transcripts, Society of Genealogists), "29 October 1814 Vincent Sackett bachelor of this parish & Mary Browning spinster of this parish. Witnesses: Barzillai Cock, R Busbridge [freq. wit.]."
  6. Burials Register, St Peter in Thanet, Kent (Tyler transcripts, Society of Genealogists), "11 June 1883 Vincent Andrew Sackett, of St Peter's Northwood, 90 years."
  7. Baptisms Register, Stourmouth, Kent (FamilySearch transcript), "19 October 1789 Mary Browning d. William Browning & Sarah."
  8. General Register Office, Online Index to Deaths, "Mar qtr 1858. Sackett, Mary, 66. Thanet. 2a:463."
  9. Burials Register, St Peter in Thanet, Kent, "4 January 1858 Mary Sackett, St Peter's, 66 years."
  10. Baptisms Register, "13 March 1785 Jane Browning d. William Browning & Sarah."
  11. Baptisms Register, Chislet, Kent (FamilySearch transcript), "10 October 1784 Barzillai Cock s. John Cock & Elizabeth."
  12. Marriages Register, Chislet, Kent (FamilySearch transcript), "13 October 1806 Barzillai Cock & Jane Browning."
  13. Baptism, St John the Baptist, Margate, Kent (IGI), "4 July 1819 Elizabeth Cock d. William Cock & Sarah."
  14. Will of John Sackett of St Peter in Thanet, Kent, 26 April 1823, proved at Archdeaconry Court of Canterbury, 7 April 1827 (Kent Archives Office, PRC 17-107-362).
  15. 1851 England census, Hamlet of Northwood, St. Peters, Kent
    Vincent A. Sackett, head , married, 57, farmer, 15 acres, b. Kent, St. Peters
    Mary Sackett, wife, 59, b. Kent, Stourmouth
    Mary Sackett, dau, unmarried, 23, farmer's dau., b. Kent, St. Peters
    Vincent Sackett, son, 13, scholar, farmer's son, b. Kent, St. Peters
    Barzillai Sackett, son, 6, scholar, farmer's son, b. Kent, St. Peters
    Julia Sackett, g-dau, 5, scholar, farmer's g-dau, b. Kent, St. Peters
    Elizabeth Cox, niece, [marital status blank], 30, domestic, b. Kent, Canterbury
    HO107; Piece: 1630; Folio: 56; Page: 11; GSU roll: 193531.
  16. 1861 England census, RG9/538/f112
    Northwood, St Peter's, Kent
    Vincent Sackett, head, widower, 67, farmer, 13 acres, b. St Peter's, Kent
    E Cox, niece, unm., 40, housekeeper, b. Canterbury, Kent
    B Cox, niece sic, 17, servant, b. Canterbury, Kent.
  17. 1871 England census, RG10/997/f114
    Northwood, Northwood Hamlet, St Peter's, Kent
    Vincent Sackett, head, widower, 77, farmer out of business, b. St Peter's, Kent
    Elizabeth Cox, servant, unm., 50, gen. serv. domestic, b. Canterbury, Kent.
  18. 1881 England census, FHL 1341236, PRO RG11/0991/116/10
    St Peters, Kent
    Vincent A Sackett, head, widower, 87, b. St Peter Thanet, Kent, formerly farmer
    Elizabeth Cox, housekeeper, unmarried, 60, b. Canterbury, Kent, general servant domestic.
  19. Will of Vincent Andrew Sackett.
Sackett line5th great-grandson of Thomas Sackett the elder of St Peter in Thanet
1st cousin 5 times removed of Simon Sackett the colonist
ChartsLine 3 (English)
John Jeremiah W Sackett & Julia Catherine Cook Sackett relationship chart
Sackett Family Association descendants
Jake Braden, Yvonne Gibbons and Michael Werk.
Last Edited24 Oct 2022

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