Mary Elizabeth Sackett

FatherColonel Augustine Sackett (1789-)
MotherArze Starr (1793-1871)
Death1899, Canandaigua, New York StateG,2
Marriage1851James Smedley Cooley1,2
Mary Elizabeth Sackett, daughter of Colonel Augustine Sackett and Arze Starr, was born on 20 May 1826.1,2 She died aged 72 in Canandaigua, New York StateG, on 12 May 1899.2 She married on 6 March 1851, James Smedley Cooley, son of Lyman Cooley and Eunice Blake.1,2 James was born in Canandaigua, New York StateG, on 25 July 18172 and died there aged 71 on 20 December 1888. James and his wife Mary were buried in the Woodlawn Cemetery in Canandaigua.3 James Cooley was the founder of the Cooley Hardware Store in Canandaigua in 1851. The business was owned and managed by various members of the family for many years, including James and Mary's son Augustine Sackett Cooley.
James S. Cooley was the founder of the Cooley Hardware Store in 1851, owned and managed by various members of the family for many years. The business originated under the name of J.S.Cooley & Co. Frank Gage was associated with the firm, but after a year or two retired, and his interest was sold to Nathaniel Nourse Cooley, who in 1867 retired because of ill health, and James S. Cooley became the sole proprietor, until in 1878 his son, Augustine Sackett Cooley, became a partner. In 1883 Albert Eugene Cooley, nephew of James S. Cooley, became a partner, and about this time the firm became known as J.S.Cooley, Son & Co.
"In December, 1888, the man to whose sagacity and enterprise the business success of the company was due departed this earth, esteemed by the community. Fortunately, the younger partners upon whose shoulders the business fell, were men fully equal to the enlarged responsibility, and it is no exaggeration to say that Messrs. A.S. and A.E. Cooley have more than maintained the reputation for fairmindedness begun by the founder of the business. The business now is recognized as one of the most successful and extensive enterprises of the kind in western New York. Not only do they keep an immense stock of light and heavy hardware, including all the latest novelties in tools and household appliances, but they also carry a large line of the most approved designs in stoves and ranges, with kerosene and gasoline stoves, etc. They also have a great assortment of farming implements, tinware, copper and ironware. They keep a large force engaged in manufacturing these because the name is everywhere recognized as a guarantee of material and workmanship. They are building up a wholesale and jobbing trade that promises to attain large proportions. It is such enterprises that insure the continued prosperity and growth of the village (Ontario County Times, Canandaigua, 1893).
James S. Cooley, after a business career extending over a period of nearly forty years, left a record without blot or blemish, and marked throughout by strictest integrity. He was an enterprising, public spirited citizen, honest and conscientious in all his dealings, a kind husband and father, an obliging neighbor, and one who was always ready to extend a helping hand to those in need. He was a member of the Congregational church, and was justly esteemed as one whose consistent Christian character was worthily exemplified in his every-day life (Ontario County Times, Canandaigua, Dec. 21, 1888).

Cooley, Mortimer. The Cooley genealogy: the descendants of Ensign Benjamin Cooley, an early settler of Springfield and Longmeadow, Massachusetts. Tuttle, Rutland, Vt (1941). (Researched by Chris Sackett).

Children of Mary Elizabeth Sackett and James Smedley Cooley

 Notes & Citations

  1. Charles Weygant, The Sacketts of America, "3886. Mary Sacket, m. James S. Cooley."
  2. Mortimer Cooley, The Cooley genealogy: the descendants of Ensign Benjamin Cooley, an early settler of Springfield and Longmeadow, Massachusetts (Rutland, Vt: Tuttle, 1941), 438 James Smedley Cooley
    (Lyman, John II, I, Daniel III, II, I, Benjamin), s. Lyman and Eunice (Blake), No. 384, b. July 25, 1817, Canandaigua, N.Y., on the Lyman Cooley homestead; d. Dec. 20, 1888, Canandaigua, bur. there in the James S. Cooley lot, Woodlawn Cemetery; m. Mary Elizabeth Sackett, da. of Col. Augustine, Mar. 6, 1851, b. May 20, 1826, d. May 12, 1899, Canandaigua.
  3. Mortimer Cooley, Cooley Genealogy, Mary Elizabeth Sackett, b. May 20, 1826, Canandaigua; d. there May 12, 1899, bur. Woodlawn Cemetery, with her husband, James Smedley Cooley.
    2 Children, b. Canandaigua:
    i Harriet Maria, Jan. 2, 1852; d. Dec. 4, 1927, bur. Canandaigua with her parents; unm.
    ii Augustine Sackett, July 14, 1856.
Sackett line7th great-granddaughter of Thomas Sackett the elder of St Peter in Thanet
5th great-granddaughter of Simon Sackett the colonist
ChartsLine 3a (American)
Last Edited31 Jan 2011

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Sackett lines

English line of Thomas Sackett the elder & other English lines
American line of Thomas Sackett the elder through Simon Sackett the colonist
Line of John Sackett of New Haven