William Sackett

FatherJohn Sackett (late 1400s-1529)
MotherJohan ___ (say 1480-)
William Sackett, yeoman of Jordan Dane, St John in Thanet, Kent, son of John Sackett and Johan ___, was born probably in the early 1520s.1 He was buried at St John in ThanetG on 31 December 1572.2 He married about 1545, Johan ___, who survived him.
     William was named as a beneficiary in his father's will made in St John in ThanetG on 4 July 1529.3 He was to have his father's tenement and lands for a period of four years after the expiration of fourteen years and after that four years he was to have several specified parcels of land totalling some fourteen acres.
     William made his will at Jordan Dane, St John in ThanetG, on 20 December 1572.4 He named as beneficiaries his wife Johan, his sons, Robert, Edward, and John, his daughters, Helen, Joyce, and Alyce, and his grandchildren, William, Robert, and Joan Norwood. The will was proved at the Archdeaconry Court of CanterburyG on 14 February 1572/73.
     It would appear that William was a reasonably prosperous farmer, having sufficient lands to leave farms to each of his three sons. After providing for his wife during her lifetime, he left his tenement and lands at Jordan Dane to his eldest son Robert. He left a tenement and 20 acres of arable lands and pasture in St Peter in Thanet and 14 acres of arable land in St John in Thanet to his son Edward when he reached 20. (This land was presumably the same 14 acres that William had inherited from his father). The third son John was to receive, at age 20, a tenement and 7½ acres at Church Hill, St Peter's, 8 acres at Mill Down, and further land at Bennetts Hill. William had acquired these lands by purchase. The tenement and land at Church Hill would appear to be that previously owned by Edward Sackett, later requested to be sold by the will of his son Richard in 1533. After Richard's death, the land had passed out of Sackett ownership. The relationship, if any, between Edward/Richard of Church Hill and William of Jordan Dane has not been ascertained. William's will also refers to land owned by John Sackett the elder. This was probably John Sacket of Sackett's Hill.
     Amongst his personalty, William left his corselet (body armour) to his son Robert, indicating that he would have been an officer in the militia.

William's will
Will of William Sackett of Jordan Dane, St John in Thanet, Kent.
Date: 20 Dec 1572.
Proved: Archdeaconry Court of Canterbury, 14 Feb 1572/73.
William Sackett, yeoman of Jordan Dane, St John in Thanet.
Wife Johan, £40 in money & best household items to value of £10; room and board in tenement at Jordan Dane to be provided by eldest son Robert, together with 10 bushels each of wheat and malt yearly, a cow, and a supply of firewood; 40s a year for 3 years for sustenance of her and her children, and half of livestock for 3 years.
Eldest son Robert, carthorses until son Edward is 20 when he is to have 2 horses; my corselet; tenement & lands at Jordan Dane, residue of other land.
Son Edward at 20, various items incl. a great brewing kettle, a sword, and a dagger; tenement at Wyndwall, St Peter's, including 20 acres arable land & pasture lately purchased of Alexander Norwood, a close in St John bought of John Lincoln, 14 acres arable at Bacon Dane in St John located between the Vicarage land and land of John Sackett the elder.
Daughter Helen at 18, £10.
Daughter Joyce at 18, £10.
Son John at 20, £10 plus reversion of £10 of Helen and/or Joyce's money; tenement & 7½ acres at Church Hill, St Peter's, lately purchased of Stephen Tarrye; 8 acres at Mill Dane lately bought from Alexander Norwood; 3 acres at Bennett Hill bought of John Hewett.
Daughter Alyce Norwood, waiver on £3 of the £8 owed by son-in-law Symon Norwood, Symon paying 20s to his son William Norwood and retaining £2.
Robert Norwood, son of Symon, 1 ewe.
Joan Norwood, daughter of Symon, 1 ewe.
My servant Joane Englyshebye, 2 ewes.
Poor of parish of St John, 10s.
Executors: Son Robert Sackett, brother-in-law Thomas Lydderer of St Lawrence.
Overseers: Joane my wife, Edward Lytherer.
Witnesses: Edward Lytherer, John Bevell, William Lesley, Minister.

Children of William Sackett and Johan ___

 Notes & Citations

  1. The birth dates of William Sackett's sons Robert and Edward are based on the assumption that they would have been about 25 at the date of their respective first marriages. It is also noted that Robert, but not Edward, was of full age at the time of his father's death. Alyce's birth has been placed before Robert's on the grounds that she was married with two children in 1572. But, if married at 18, the order may be reversed. In either case, it may be inferred that William was born c1520.
  2. Burials Register, St John in Thanet, Kent (Marion Sackett transcripts), "31 Dec 1572 William Sacket."
  3. Will of John Sakett of St John in Thanet, Kent, 4 July 1529, proved at Archdeaconry Court of Canterbury, September 1529 (Kent Archives Office, PRC 17-18-246).
  4. Will of William Sackett of Jordan Down, St John in Thanet, Kent, 20 December 1572, proved at Canterbury Archdeaconry Court, 4 February 1572/73 (Kent Archives Office, PRC 17-41-360).
Sackett lineGrandson of William Sackett of St John in Thanet
ChartsLine 2 (English)
George Harman & Alice Amelia Willis relationship chart
Last Edited14 Oct 2024

Richard Saket the younger

FatherRichard Sackett the elder (probably before 1477-1549)
MotherMargaret ___ (say 1480-1553)
Birthsay 1505
Marriageabout 1530Crystian ___
Richard Saket the younger, husbandman of Sackett's Hill, St Peter in Thanet, Kent, son of Richard Sackett the elder and Margaret ___, was born say 1505. He died between 9 April 1545 when he made his will and 9 May 1545 when the will was proved.1 He married about 1530, Crystian ___. Richard was an executor of the will of John Sackett of St John in Thanet, made in 1529.
     Richard made his will at St Peter in ThanetG on 9 April 1545. Named as beneficiaries were his wife Crystian, his son John, and his daughter Margery.1 Both children were under twelve at the time of his death. Richard left his land and tenements to his wife Crystian until their son John reached 21 when he would inherit. The will was proved in the Archdeaconry Court of CanterburyG on 9 May 1545.
     Richard's will was witnessed by "Richard Sackete the elder". On that scant evidence it is deduced that Richard the elder was probably the father of this Richard. Against that, however, it is noted that the elder Richard, making his own will three years later, made no provision for the young children John and Margery who would, if the supposition is correct, have been his grandchildren.
     The "Thomas Sacket of Sacketts Hill", named as an executor of Richard's estate, has not been positively identified. He may have been Thomas Sacket, gentleman of St Peter in Thanet, (who himself died at about the same time as Richard and was unlikely to have been able to have carried out the duties of executor.)

Richard's will
Abstract of will of Richard Sacket the younger of St Peter in Thanet, Kent.
Date: 9 April 1545.
Proved: Archdeaconry Court of Canterbury, 9 May 1545.
Source: Kent Archives Office, PRC 17-23-262.
Richard Sacket the younger, husbandman of St Peter's, Thanet. Possessed of tenements at Sackett’s Hill.
High altar of St Peter's, 6d "for my tithes negligently forgotten".
Parishioners of St Peter's, 20d.
Son John, horse, cart, plough, wheat & barley at 21; 10 sheep & a cow at 12.
Daughter Margery, 10 sheep & a cow at 12; wheat & barley at marriage.
Wife Crystian, reversion of above if both children die; residue of goods after other bequests.
Steven ?Scolye, a cow & a sheep.
Alys Sprackling, wheat & malt.
Richard Hollingberry, malt.
?Godson Richard Bourne, a lamb.
Godson Richard Hollingberry, a lamb.
Goddaughter Alys Long, malt.
Any of my other godchildren, 3d.
Lands & tenements at Sackett’s Hill, to wife Crystian until son John is 21; when John is 21, he inherits & must pay sister Margery 20s after 2 yr.
If John dies without issue, reversion to Margery.
If Margery then dies without issue, reversion to wife Crystian for her life. On her death, property to be sold & proceeds to go to: Richard Hollingberry, £10 with reversion to godson Richard Hollingberry; Steven ?Scolye,      £5; Alys Sprackling, 3?; poor people who most need it, 20s; reparations of St Peter's Church, 20s; Agnes Alyn, daughter of Nicholas Alyn, 10s; each of his other children, 3s. 4d; residue to the poor.
Executors: Crystian & Thomas Sacket of Sackett’s Hill.
Overseer: John Alonde, Rector of Minster.
Thomas Sacket & John Alonde each to have 3s.
Witnesses: Richard Norwood, curate; Richard Sackete the elder; Thomas ?.

Children of Richard Saket the younger and Crystian ___

 Notes & Citations

  1. Will of Richard Saket of St Peter in Thanet, Kent, 9 April 1545, proved at Archdeaconry Court of Canterbury, 9 May 1545 (Kent Archives Office, PRC 17-23-262).
Sackett lineGrandson of Robert Sakett of St Peter in Thanet
ChartsLine 1 (English)
Last Edited14 Oct 2024

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English line of Thomas Sackett the elder & other English lines
American line of Thomas Sackett the elder through Simon Sackett the colonist
Line of John Sackett of New Haven