Samuel Bailey Sackett

FatherSamuel Sackett (1762-1841)
MotherMary Bailey (1772-1856)
Marriage1833Elisabeth Townsend McCoun1
Samuel Bailey Sackett, son of Samuel Sackett and Mary Bailey, was born in New Windsor, Orange County, New York StateG, on 4 December 18051 and died aged 81 in Newburgh, New York StateG, on 11 April 1887.1 He married on 9 January 1833, Elisabeth Townsend McCoun, daughter of Samuel McCoun and Deborah Woodward.1
     Samuel was listed in the 1840 census as a householder in New WindsorG.2
     In 1880 Samuel was living at Newburgh, Orange County, New York StateG, in the household of his daughter Charlotte and son-in-law Charles Weygant, and was recorded in the census as Jas. [sic] B. Sackett, aged 74 and born in New York. His wife Elizabeth, 70, was living with him.3

Children of Samuel Bailey Sackett and Elisabeth Townsend McCoun

997. Samuel Bailey Sackett, 1805–1887, of Newburgh, N. Y., son of (462) Samuel and Mary Bailey Sackett, was married, Jan. 9, 1833, to Elisabeth Townsend McCoun, 1810-1886, daughter of Samuel McCoun and his wife Deborah Woodward. He was born in the hamlet of Moodna, on the west bank of the Hudson, in the town of New Windsor, Orange County, N. Y., and there his childhood days were spent up to his eighth year. Following this period came twelve years on his father's farm near Monticello, Sullivan County, N. Y., and then an apprenticeship in the general store established and conducted by his father at Little Britain Square, in town of his birth, which brought him to his majority. In these changes of residence and avocation neither his moral training or education had been neglected, and he was generally recognized as a young man of correct and studious habits, who was well fitted for a business career by a thorough knowledge of bookkeeping and the ability to write a plain and attractive hand. Very naturally his father, being now sixty-four years of age, welcomed the young man's arrival to manhood estate by making him his partner in business, and then turning over to him the entire management of the country store. In 1833 the subject of our sketch married Elisabeth Townsend McCoun. In 1845, some four years after the death of his father, it became necessary to sell out the farm and store at Little Britain Square in order to close up the estate, there being several heirs. After this was done Samuel B. became interested in the milling business conducted on premises of Chas. Morton, near Vail's Gate, Orange County, N. Y. Some three years later he quit the milling business, for a time, and tried his hand at farming; first, for one year on the Ridge west of Highland Mills, in the town of Monroe, and then for two years at Middle Hope, in the town of Newburgh, both of which towns are in the before mentioned County of Orange, N. Y. Three years of hard work and but slight returns induced him to take up permanently a calling for which he was better qualified, and he became bookkeeper and general manager for Mr. Jas. R. Dickson, who was conducting an extensive milling business at West Newburgh in same town. He remained with Mr. Dickson until 1854, when he accepted a similar but more lucrative position with John W. Embler, in his newly erected steam flouring mill on Front Street, Newburgh, N. Y. There Mr. Sackett remained for about five years, when he became general bookkeeper for Mr. Louis J. Bazzoni, carriage manufacturer, in the same town. The latter position he filled for fifteen years, or until 1874, when he retired permanently from active pursuits. His death occurred April 11, 1887.
     From the time of his coming to Newburgh to reside, Mr. Sackett was an active and honored member of S. John's Methodist Episcopal Church. serving as steward, class leader, local preacher, and for a quarter of a century as a member of the Secretary of its Board of Trustees. He was a close student of history, an untiring reader and had a most remarkable memory. When in his company one had but slight need to consult a commentary or an encyclopedia. Honest in all things he contracted no debt he was not certain could be met, and made no promise he did not fulfill. Positive in his convictions, but quiet and gentle in his deportment, he lived at peace with all mankind; and with a firm, unwavering faith in a resurrection to a better life he welcomed death with the same quiet, glad composure with which in the days of his strength he greeted his friends.
2450. Sarah Cornelia Sackett, m. Allen L. Riley.
2451. Mary Louisa Sackett, m. George Roberts.
2452. Henry McCoun Sackett, d. in 1862, unmarried.
2453. Elisabeth McCoun Sackett, m. William H. Lawson.
2454. Charlotte Sackett, b. in 1849, d. Apr. 24, 1905; m. Charles H. Weygant.

 Notes & Citations

  1. Charles Weygant, The Sacketts of America, "997. Samuel B. Sackett, b. Dec. 4, 1805, d. Apr. 11, 1887; m. Elisabeth T. McCoun."
  2. 1840 United States census, "Samuel B Sackett, New Windsor, Orange County, New York State, 1 male 30-39, 2 females under 5, 1 female 20-29, total 4."
  3. 1880 United States Federal Census, FHL 1254911, NA T9-0911/132C
    District 3, Newburgh, Orange, New York
    Chas. H. Weygant, head, married, 40, b. NY, flower merch't., father b. NY, mother b. NY
    Charlotte Weygant, wife, 30, b. NY, keeps house, father b. NY, mother b. NY
    Bessie Weygant, dau, 10, b. NY, father b. NY, mother b. NY
    Minnie F. Weygant, niece, single, 19, b. NY, father b. NY, mother b. NY
    Jas. B. Sackett [note], father-in-law, married, 74, b. NY, father b. NY, mother b. NY
    Elizabeth Sackett, mother-in-law, married, 70, b. NY, father b. NY, mother b. NY
    Wm. H. Lawson, brother-in-law, married, 40, b. NY, hardware clerk, father b. NY, mother b. NY
    Elizabeth Lawson, sister-in-law, married, 35, b. NY, milliner, father b. NY, mother b. NY
    Ida Weygant, sister, single, 24, b. NY, father b. NY, mother b. NY
    Thomas Sagers, other, single, 24, b. OH, servant, father b. NY, mother b. NY.
Sackett line6th great-grandson of Thomas Sackett the elder of St Peter in Thanet
4th great-grandson of Simon Sackett the colonist
ChartsLine 3a (American)
Last Edited25 Apr 2024
Sackett Database7330 Samuel Bailey Sackett

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