Charlotte Sackett

Birthabout 17941
Death10 April 1839, West Springfield, Hampden County, MassachusettsG
Marriage25 December 1817, West SpringfieldGMatthew Marvin Morley2
Charlotte Sackett was born about 1794.1 She died aged 44 in West Springfield, Hampden County, MassachusettsG, on 10 April 1839 and was buried at the Old Cemetery, Feeding Hills Centre, Agawam, Hampden CountyG.3 Her parents have not been identified. She married in West SpringfieldG on 25 December 1817, Matthew Marvin Morley.2

Children of Charlotte Sackett and Matthew Marvin Morley

 Notes & Citations

  1. Date of birth based on age at death.
  2. "Massachusetts, Town and Vital records, 1620–1988" (Ancestry image), West Springfield marriages, "Morley, Matthew Marvin and Charlotte Sacket, both of W.S., 25 Dec 1817."
  3. "Massachusetts, Town and Vital records, 1620–1988", (Ancestry image), West Springfield deaths, "Morley, Charlotte, w. Matthew M, 24 Apr [1839]. ["Mother." Apr. 10, 1839, a. 44, GR7] [gravestone record, Old Cemetery, Feeding Hills Centre, Agawam]."
Last Edited17 Oct 2023

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Sackett lines

English line of Thomas Sackett the elder & other English lines
American line of Thomas Sackett the elder through Simon Sackett the colonist
Line of John Sackett of New Haven