Lucy Lavinia Sackett

FatherCalvin Pardee Sackett (1783-1853)
MotherHannah Douglass (1785-)
Marriage1835John Van Cott4,2
Lucy Lavinia Sackett, daughter of Calvin Pardee Sackett and Hannah Douglass, was born in New York StateG on 17 July 1815.1,2 She was baptized at the Presbyterian Church, Stephentown, Rensselaer County, New York StateG, on 3 June 1818.3 She died aged 86 on 31 January 1902.2 She married on 15 September 1835, John Van Cott, son of Losee Van Cott and Lavinia Platt.4,2 John was born in Canaan, Columbia County, New York StateG, on 7 September 1814.2
Some sixteen years after his marriage to Lucy, John Van Cott espoused the Mormon faith, and the same year (1847) sold his farm and all his belongings in Dutchess County, and with his faithful wife and their family of children, joined one of the pioneer bands that had resolved to migrate to Salt Lake City, Utah, which place they reached Sept. 15, of that year. In the course of a few years John Van Cott had taken to himself four additional wives, named respectively, Jemima, Caroline, Laura L. and Lena, who became the mothers of 22 of his sons and daughters. Several of these sons became men of prominence in the Mormon church and others in the professional and business life of Salt Lake City, while the daughters are said to have married "the best citizens of the state."

Sacketts of America

Extract from the autobiography George Washington Jones, son-in-law of Lucy's brother Daniel:5
Ed Young came to Clintonville [WI] in the year I did [1878]. He built the first house the Sacketts lived in. He had a family of children, pretty well grown. Our special interest in him began with learning that he was a half brother of Brigham Young. Father [Daniel] Sackett's youngest sister, Lucy, married a man by the name of Van Cott in New York State. Later they moved to Illinois and while there adopted the Mormon faith. They joined that famous trek from Nauvoo, Illinois to Salt Lake City in July 1846. Van Cott never subscribed to the polygamy part of Mormonism. Aunt Lucy remained his only wife, but Aunt Lucy's daughter [Mary] married Brigham Young, I believe she was his last and 16th wife—supposed to have been beautiful as a young woman and a talented musician. She had received training in Europe. Aunt Lucy was father's favorite sister and he kept in touch with her through the years. He had practically disowned her and she suffered grief and homesickness for years because of the estrangement. It was sometimes reflected in her letters. Maud and I, on a trip west by way of Salt Lake City, went to see Aunt Lucy. She was an elderly woman then and in her younger days must have been quite beautiful in her own right. We found her very serene and happy and surrounded by every comfort. She was pathetically happy that "Daniel's daughter" had come to see her.

Children of Lucy Lavinia Sackett and John Van Cott

  • Byron Van Cott
  • John Van Cott
  • Losee Van Cott
  • Lucy Van Cott
  • Martha Van Cott
  • Mary Van Cott
  • Fannie Van Cott+ b. 1850, d. 1930

 Notes & Citations

  1. Oramel A Sackett, Family Bible Records, birth, "Lucy L. Sackett Jul 17, 1815."
  2. Charles Weygant, The Sacketts of America, "4260. Lucy L. Sackett, b. in 1816, d. Jan. 31, 1902; m. John Van Cott."
  3. Cooke Collection of Massachusetts genealogical records, Berkshire Athenaeum, Pittsfield, Massachusetts, 65:50, records of the Stephentown, N.Y. Presbyterian Church 1794–1825, "Oramel Almeron, Amherst Douglas, Cordelia, Culver Pardee, Lucy Lavinia, children of Calvin & Hannah Sackett, baptized 3 Jun 1818."
  4. Oramel A Sackett, Family Bible Records, marriage, "Lucy L. Sackett to John Van Cott, Sept.15, 1835."
  5. Sackett database, citing Jones, George W., 1853-1935, Autobiography, 1913, 1934-1935. Provided by: Frank T. "Chip" Jones, Jr. <e-mail address>
    State Historical Society of Wisconsin. Archives Division. 816 State Street, Madison, Wis. 53706: MAD 4 /14/SC 389 CALL NO. SC 389.
Sackett line2nd great-granddaughter of Captain Richard Sackett of New York
ChartsLine 3a (American)
Sackett Family Association descendants
Willis Jensen.
Last Edited25 Nov 2012

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English line of Thomas Sackett the elder & other English lines
American line of Thomas Sackett the elder through Simon Sackett the colonist
Line of John Sackett of New Haven