Samuel Sackett

FatherWilliam Sackett (1731-1776)
MotherSarah Fish
Birth29 January 1762, Newtown, Long Island, Queens County, New York StateG,1
Death30 September 1763, Newtown, Long IslandG,1,2
Samuel Sackett, son of William Sackett and Sarah Fish, was born in Newtown, Long Island, Queens County, New York StateG, on 29 January 1762.1 He died there in infancy on 30 September 1763.1,2

 Notes & Citations

  1. Charles Weygant, The Sacketts of America, "313. Samuel Sackett, b. Jan. 29, 1762, d. Oct. 1, 1763."
  2. Register of Deaths, Presbyterian Church, Newtown (now Elmhurst), Queens County, Long Island, N.Y., "1763, Sept. 30, Child of William and Sarah Sacket."
Sackett line5th great-grandson of Thomas Sackett the elder of St Peter in Thanet
3rd great-grandson of Simon Sackett the colonist
ChartsLine 3a (American)
Last Edited18 Aug 2021

William W Sackett

FatherWilliam Sackett (1731-1776)
MotherSarah Fish
Birth31 August 17651
Death9 July 18331
Marriage1790Susan Smith1
William W Sackett, civil engineer and surveyor of New York State, son of William Sackett and Sarah Fish, was born on 31 August 1765.1 He died aged 67 on 9 July 1833.1 He married in 1790, Susan Smith, daughter of Hon Nathan Smith and Susan Mackintosh.1 Susan was born in New JerseyG in 1771.2,3
     In 1790 William was living in New Windsor, Ulster County, New York StateG. In his household were two white males (16+), one white female, three other free persons, and one slave.4
     William was listed in the 1800 census as a householder in Newburgh, Orange County, New York StateG.5
     William was assessed for tax on real estate and personal property in NewburghG in 1799, 1800, and 1801. He was both a landowner and the occupant of various lands owned by others.6,7,8 In 1800 and 1801 he was also taxed as a non-resident on land owned in New Windsor, Orange CountyG.9,10,11
     William was listed in the 1810 census as a householder in NewburghG.12 In 1820 he was a householder in Monroe, Orange CountyG.13 In 1830 he was a householder in Lumberland, Sullivan County, New York StateG.14
     In 1850 William's widow Susan was living in Honesdale, Wayne County, PennsylvaniaG, in the household of his son Nicholas, and was recorded in the census as Susan Sacket, aged 77 and born in New Jersey. Her daughter Louisa was also in the household.15

Children of William W Sackett and Susan Smith

314. William W. Sacket,* 1765–1833, of Newtown, Hunting Grove, Monticello and Lumberland, all in the State of New York, son of (97) William and Sarah Fish Sackett, was educated in Columbia College, and was married in 1790 to Susan Smith, 1771, daughter of Hon. Nathan Smith and his wife Susan Mackintosh, of Hunting Grove, now Burnside, in the present County of Orange, N. Y. Mr. Sacket was by education and profession a civil engineer and surveyor. On leaving school he read law for a short time in the office of his stepfather, John Woods, Esq., of New York City. On reaching his majority and coming into possession of some property located within the bounds of the present County of Orange, which he had inherited for his grandfather's estate, he decided to locate in Newburgh, then the most promising village on the western bank of the central Hudson. The practice of his profession took him to all parts of the counties of Orange, Ulster and Sullivan, which were being at the time rapidly settled, mainly by former residents of Long Island. In 1793 Mr. Sacket became interested in the general store and fulling, grist and saw mills, which were being conducted by his father-in-law at Hunting Grove, and removed his family to that place, but about 1796, having been appointed Revenue Collector for the ninth division of the New York District, he re-transferred his residence to the village of Newburgh. In 1797 he was employed to survey and make a map of the town of Newburgh. This map was filed in the office of the Secretary of State at Albany, and has ever since been regarded an unimpeachable authority in all matters appertaining to boundaries of original land grants within that town, as well as of the dividing line between the present counties of Orange and Ulster. When in 1801 the Newburgh & Cochecton Turnpike Company was organized, Mr. Sacket became one of its board of directors and was employed to survey and lay out the route to be traversed. This road was of great value to Newburgh, increasing its importance as a commercial centre. While making this survey Mr. Sacket became interested in several extensive tracts of timber land in Sullivan County, on one of which the closing years of his life was spent.
     During the greater part of the time from 1800 to 1813, Mr. Sacket was associated with one of his brothers-in-law in a general store at Newburgh. But in the year last named he removed to Monticello, Sullivan County, where for a considerable period he had been engaged professionally in the construction of the Narrowsburgh and Sullivan Turnpike, and in the making of numerous surveys of timber lands. While residing at Monticello he erected on an extensive and heavily timbered tract he had purchased in the adjoining town of Lumberland, a commodious dwelling, with all necessary out-buildings, to which he removed with his family in 1818. After he became settled there he constructed near his house a saw mill, and engaged quite extensively in the manufacture of lumber. This with the continued practice of his profession absorbed his time, energies and attention up to within a short period of his death, in 1833. Two pocket receipt books carried by him from 1788 to 1813 have been preserved and are now (1907) the property of his grandson, William W. Sackett, who for many years was a resident of Wilkesbarre, Penn. These old receipt books contain the signatures of several hundred residents of Ulster, Orange and Sullivan Counties who were men of prominence a hundred years ago. They also contain minute genealogical tables of several generations of his ancestors and their families. These receipt books, together with available official records, the files of old Newburgh newspapers, and published histories of the counties mentioned, furnish abundant and interesting data for a more extended history of his life than available space in this volume will admit of publishing. A few extracts from the authorities mentioned, given chronologically, must of necessity suffice.
Received of William W. Sacket, two pounds on account of surveying Lot No. 22 in the 3000 acre tract in Wawayanda Patent, it being in part.
Jan. 7, 1792 Elias Oldfield
Received of W. W. Sacket ten shillings for his subscription to a school house at Robert Ross's.
Jan. 25, 1793. Abram Neely.
Received Newburgh June 6, 1798, of Wm. W. Sacket a mote of Abram Snyder's for 26 pounds; an order on David Colden for 5 pounds, and 14 pounds in cash, in full for a negro wench named Candice, purchased from my mother Elisabeth Colden.
Alexander Colden.
Newburgh June 30, 1798.
Received of Wm. W. Sacket the sum of 3 dollars in full for road taxes.
Elnathan Foster.
Received, Newburgh, August 27, 1798, of Wm. W. Sacket a draft on the Treasurer of the County of Orange for four dollars for assisting in the surveying of the town of Newburgh.
James Lorimer.
The auctioneers within the ninth division will observe by their licences that the time for which they are granted expires the last of this month. The state has taken up the regulating of sales at auction by appointing auctioneers in said division. In consequence of such regulation I am not authorized to license any in future. Therefore request that every auctioneer complete his returns agreeable to law and take up his bonds.
Newburgh, N. Y., Sept. 21, 1798.
William W. Sacket,
Collector of the Revenue.
P.S.—As there is no auctioneer in this part of the country at present but myself, it will be necessary for those making vendues to consult the auctioneer before they appoint the day of sale, as it may happen to be on the days when he is previously engaged and they be in consequence thereof disappointed.
Wm. W. Sacket, Auctioneer.
All owners of stills within the ninth division of the district of New York must make entry thereof in writing at this office between the last day of May and the first day of July agreeable to law or forfeit 250 dollars.
The law requires that all distillers and all places where distilled spirits are deposited shall have the following words written over the door "Distiller of Spirits." This and every other duty the law requires, is expected to be complied with under penalty annexed thereto.
It must be observed that no new license will be given per this until the duties in arrears are paid.
Newburgh, May 28, 1799.
Wm. W. Sacket, Collector of the Revenue.
N.B.—The office of the Inspector is removed to the house next forth of Benjamin Smiths, on the hill back of the village of Newburgh.
Conveyancing and surveying will be done at the moderate price, at short notice.
Received Newburgh June 8, 1799 of Messrs Sacket & Smith their note of hand for one hundred and twenty six 76-100 dollars, which when paid will be in full for nails, shovels and hollow ware sold them this day.
Appollas B. Leonard.
Received Newburgh Dec. 13, 1799, of William W. Sacket, forty dollars on account of a negro man named Will, sold him 27 November, last.
Cad. R. Golden.
Received Newburgh Mar. 20, 1800, of Wm. W. Sacket two pounds 15 shilling in full for bombs for Sacket & Smith.
Uriah Brett.
Will be sold without reserve on Tuesday, the 14th February next, at twelve o'clock on the premises, a lot of land with a house, barn and still house thereon, containing two acres, joining Van Dusers Mills in Hunting Grove, and about 8 acres of wood land within one mile of said lot.
And on Wednesday the fifteenth, at the house of Thomas Gardner in the Village of Newgurgh at two o'clock P. M. a house and lot (eighty by one hundred corner lot) on Smith Street, also a lot fifty by one hundred on said streed, also lot no Eighty-three, a ten acre lot in the Village of New Windsor. Good title will be executed for same and terms of payment made known on said day
January 23, 1804
Wm. W. Sacket.

     Mr. Smith, the paternal grandfather of Sarah, wife of William W. Sacket, was, according to family tradition, a Presbyterian minister who left England on account of religious persecution, and after being in America a short time settled on Long Island, where he married a Miss Mowbray.
     Hon. Nathan Smith, son of above and father of Mrs. Susan Sacket, was born in town of Huntington, L. I., and married Susan Mackintosh, of Paramus, N. J., whose grandfather, Thomas Mackintosh, came into possession of 2, 000 acres of land in the western portion of the old town of New Windsor, then within the boundary line of Ulster County, N. Y. This tract was Patgented to "Phineas McIntosh" in 1719. A short time after Nathan Smith and Susan Mackintosh were married they were induced to go to New Windsor and locate in the heart of this as yet but partially improved estate. There Mr. Smith built a house and on the stream called Otterkill erected a grist mill, a saw mill, and a fulling mill. He also opened and conducted a gereral store, and named the settlement Hunting Grove. The young couple "grew up with the country," and Mr. Smith speedily attained a prominence which for a time rivaled that of his ultimately more illustrious townsmen, the Clintions. At the breaking out of the Revolution Mr. Smith was one of the early signers of the Revolutionary Pledge, and in 1776 he was made a member of the New Windsor Committee of Safety and Observation. During the same year his name appears on the records as one of the associate justices of the Court of Common Pleas. From 1777 to 1793 he was almost continously a nember of the State Legislature. In the last year named he was appointed first judge of Ulster County Common Pleas and served as such untio his untimely death in 1798; the following account of which is given in a letter written by hes granddaughter Miss Mariah Hunter, of New York City, to E. M. Ruttenber, the historian, under date of Jan. 15, 1879:
Judge Smith was in New York in Sept. 1798 and had been dining with Governor Clinton and some friends. When on his way to the sloop, in apparently his ususal health, he was attacked on the street with yellow fever, and carried to the hospital. some friends heard of his situation and with noble self sacrifice came and cared for him. One of these, John Woods, Esq., conveyed the tidings of his death and burial to his friends at Newburg before the tidings of his sickness had reached them.

     The year 1798 is known as one of New York City's fatal yellow fever years, and Judge Smith, like all other victims of the scourge, had hardly taken his last breath when his volunteer attendants were dismissed, and under the hospital rules his body was placed in a rough box and unceremonioulsly hurried to the potters' field and buried in an unmarked grave. The John Woods, Esq., referred to above was the stepfather of his daughter's husband, Wm. W. Sacket.
     Politically Judge Smith was an ardent Whig, and the close attention he gave to public affairs in the troublous times in which he lived evenrually interfered with his private business to such an extent that he disposed of all his interests at Hunting Grove and settled on a farm he had purchased of Selah Van Duser, some two miles west of the village of Newgurgh. It was there that the sad news of his death and hasty burial reached his family in 1798.
*All of his immediate family wrote their names S-a-c-k-e-t-t.
Children of William W. and Susan Smith Sacket.
795. William Woods Sackett, b. Jan. 27, 1791, d. July 14, 1836, unmarried.
796. Louise Sackett, b. Apr. 22, 1792, d. at Honesdale, Pa., unmarried.
797. Harriet Sackett, b. Apr. 20, 1793; m. Spicer McNish.
798. Nathan Smith Sackett, b. Mar. 5, 1795, d. Oct. 15, 1853, unmarried.
799. Caroline Sackett, b. Nov. 15, 1796, d. unmarried.
800. Nicholas Fish Sackett, b. Aug. 14, 1799.
801. Augustus Mowbray Sackett, b. Mar. 16, 1801, d. in Feb. 1871.
802. James W. Sackett, b. Jan. 8, 1803, d. Dec. 15, 1887; m. Nancy Beers.
803. Sarah Case Sackett, b. Feb. 19, 1805; m. Herberdon S. Murray.
804. Susan Sackett, b. Mar. 1, 1807, d. Dec. 24, 1808.
805. Susan Smith Sackett, b. Mar. 3, 1809, d. in 1881; m. Isaac Gould.
806. Elisabeth Smith Sackett, b. Sept. 15, 1812; m. Henry Stark.
807. Augustus M. Sackett, b. 1814. [Note]
808. Charles J. Sackett, b. Apr. 21, 1816, d. Feb. 28, 1885; m. Miss Schoonover.

[Note. No other record for Augustus Sackett born in 1814 has been found. Probably an error for Augustus born 1801.]

 Notes & Citations

  1. Charles Weygant, The Sacketts of America, "314. William W. Sackett, b. Aug. 31, 1765, d. July 9, 1833; m. Susan Smith."
  2. Sacketts of America.
  3. Census.
  4. 1790 United States census, William W Sacket. New Windsor, Ulster, NY. 2 white males (16+), 1 white female, 3 other free persons, and 1 slave.
  5. 1800 United States census, "William W Sacket, Newburgh, Orange County, New York State,, 3 males under 10, 1 male 10-15, 1 male 26-44, 3 females under 10, 1 female 26-44, 2 other free persons, 2 slaves, total 13."
  6. "New York, Tax Assessment Rolls, 1799–1804" (Ancestry image), Newburgh, Orange County, NY, 1799, "Sacket, William W, Glebe, real estate $75, personal estate $361, tax $0.43, also possessor of land owned by Christ Vn Duser $850, Joseph Hasbrouck $625, Hendric VnBuren $287, Daniel Hasbrook $75, Reuben Hopkins $193, Susannah Smith $200, Thomas Colden $787, 2 lotts omittd the same [ie owned by William Sacket] $100, 14 acres wood the same $200 [ie owned by William Sacket]."
  7. "New York, Tax Assessment Rolls, 1799–1804", (Ancestry image), Newburgh, Orange County, NY, 1800, "Sacket, William W, occupant & owner, real estate $850, personal estate $232, state tax $1.08, county tax $1.30; also occupant of real estate owned by Susan Smith $200, Vanheusen $287, Joseph Hasbrouck $562, Reuben Hopkins $150, Thos Colden $787, C R Colden $150, Danl Hasbrouck $75, Gidney $200, Glebe land $162."
  8. "New York, Tax Assessment Rolls, 1799–1804", (Ancestry image), Newburgh, Orange County, NY, 1801, "Sacket, William W, occupant & owner, real estate $2030, personal estate $328, tax $7.01; also occupant of land owned by Hopkins & others $193, Daniel Hasbrouck $75, Vn Heuren $287, Glebe $162."
  9. "New York, Tax Assessment Rolls, 1799–1804", (Ancestry image), New Windsor, Orange County, NY, 1800, "Sacket, William W, real estate $925, state tax $0.92, county tax $1.12."
  10. "New York, Tax Assessment Rolls, 1799–1804", (Ancestry image), New Windsor, Orange County, NY, 1800, "Sacket, William W, tax remaining unpaid, $no amount."
  11. "New York, Tax Assessment Rolls, 1799–1804", (Ancestry image), New Windsor, Orange County, NY, 1801, "Sackett, Wm W, non-resident, real estate $925, tax $2.15."
  12. 1810 United States census, "William W Sackett, Newburgh, Orange County, New York State, 2 males under 10, 2 males 10-15, 2 males 16-25, 1 male 26-44, 2 females under 10, 2 females 10-15, 2 females 16-25, 1 female 26-44, total 14."
  13. 1820 United States census, "William W Sacket, Monroe, Orange County, New York State, 1 male under 10, 4 males 16-25, 1 male 26-44, 1 male 45 and over, 1 female under 10, 1 female 10-15, 1 female 16-25, 1 female 26-44, 1 female 45 and over, total 12."
  14. 1830 United States census, "William W Sacket, Lumberland, Sullivan County, New York State, 1 male under 5, 1 male 10-14, 3 males 20-29, 1 male 30-39, 1 male 60-69, 1 female 15-19, 1 female 20-29, 1 female 30-39, 1 female 50-59, total 11."
  15. 1850 United States Federal Census, Roll 835, p 260a
    Honesdale, Wayne, Pennsylvania
    Sacket, Nicklis F, 45, carpenter, b. NY
    Sacket, Susan, 77, b. NJ
    Sacket, Louisa, 56, b. NY
    Sacket, Ervina L, 4, b. PA
    Sacket, Wm A, 2, b. PA.
Sackett line5th great-grandson of Thomas Sackett the elder of St Peter in Thanet
3rd great-grandson of Simon Sackett the colonist
ChartsLine 3a (American)
Sackett Family Association descendants
Tom Smith and Floyd Oster.
Last Edited18 Apr 2024
Sackett Database6337 William W Sackett

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Line of John Sackett of New Haven