Will of Richard Sakett of St Peter in Thanet, Kent.
Date: 13 January 1532/33.
Proved: Archdeaconry Court of Canterbury, 28 January 1532/33.
Source: Kent Archives Office, PRC 17-19-286.
Testator: Richard Sakett, single man, son of Edward Sackett of St Peter in Thanet.
To be buried at St Peter.
Poor people, 8d.
Godson Nicholas Kempe, 2 ewes.
Godson Nicholas Pofett, 1 ewe.
Thomas Lidderard, 2 ?.
Edward Lidderard 17d.
Johanne Lidderard, 16d.
Children of Robert Lidderard, ?.
Children of ___ Sakett, residue of goods.
Feoffees to sell barn and land at Church Hill bought from Richard Aland and sell to Robert Lidderard at same price; and to sell other lands to highest bidder.
Executors: Robert Lidderard, Richard Aland.
Witnesses: Willm Cobbe vicar of St Peter, Thomas Pyrs?, Thomas Kempe, Richard Norwood priest, with others.
In dei no-ie Amen the xiij day of the moneth of January In the yere of our Lord God MCCCCCxxxij I Richard Sakett the sonne of Edward Sackett of the pyshe of Saynt Peters yn the yle of Thanett Syngleman syke yn bodye nev-thelesse hole of mynde and of good reme-brance make my testam-t
in that man- and forme foloweng ffirst I bequethe my soule to all myghty god and to his blessed mother Saynte Marye And to all the company of hevyn And my bodye to be buryed in the church yard of Saynt Peter Itm ffirst I bequeth unto ^the hyge Aulter yn the said church for my tythes
forgotten xd Itm I bequethe for to dye [_______] for the said church v [ti] Itm I bequeth to my mother x [ti] [______] itm I bequeth to [___] wayes xs [__] the said [____] to be [____] whereas most [___] is to be doan Itm to poore peple whereas most nede is to be doan vis viijd Itm I bequethe to Nycholas Kempe my godson ij Ewes Itm I bequeth to Nicholas Pofett my godson one Ewe Itm I Bequethe to Thomas Lydderard ij [_] To Edward Lydderard xvijd And to Johanne Lidderard xvjd [_] children of Robert Lidderard Itm I bequeth to my honist preest to praye for my soule in the [___] said churche And for all theym that I am bound to praye for xxxiijs iiijd Itm at my [obij dyrgys]
and iij masses Also at my [monethes daye dyrgys et vj masses] [vj masses] And at my [______] day [dyrgye] and [vij masses] Of the residue of my goodes whereas my dettes and bequests etc byn payed if ther be any thyng lefft I wyll that [_____] Sakettes children have said by equall portions betwene theym to be devyded Itm all the residue of my goodes after my dettes & bequethes payed I putt it to the disposition of my executors that they dispose therof for the helthe of my soule and all theym that I am bounde to pray for as they for best to be doon as they wyll [take acconyote] before god at the Dredfull daye of Juggement [Also] I ordegne make and constitue my executors Robert Lidderard and Richard Aland of this my p'sent testament by these p'sente That they faithfully exycute
and fulfyll with the effecte Itm I bequethe to [____] of my executors for there labor iijs viijd And to [___] of my ffeoffeis [vjs] To that witnesseth [__] Willm Cobbe vycar of the said pishe Thomas [pyrs] Thomas [Kempe] and [Sr] Richard Norwodd prieste with others
This is the last wyll of me the said made the day and yere as is Above written And
yn the xxiiij yere of the Reign of king Herry the viijth after the [conquest] of england of and uppon [____] and all my landes with the Appurtenances In the whiche land and barne Thomas [piers] & Thomas Kempe of the said pishe by me be enfeoffed First I wyll that ymmedyatly after my decesse that my said ffeoffees shallt sell my Barne at Churchhyll and all the land belongyng therto as I bought it of Richard Aland And I wyll Robert Lidderard [have] it of the same price that I bought ^it for of Richard Aland and if he wyll have it Or else I wyll it be sold to the most pfitt (profit) And also my said
ffeoffees shall sell all my other landes to Eyny that wyll give most for them and payn best And the money therof to be [delyvhid] to my executours to paye my dettes and my bequethes To that witness as is Above written // Concordat on originale //
Probatu sunt suprastuptia testat xxviij De mensy January Anno Dm Millimo quigeymo xxxijdo [28 January 1532] [Imamidso] dm Willm Cobb vicarij dm Ric Norwodd [__] et Thome Kempe [___] Approbatu [__] onus [__] et [___] pdcis puntus in forma [___] [___].