Will of Margaret Sackett of St Peter in Thanet, Kent.
Date: 28 December 1551.
Proved: Archdeaconry Court of Canterbury, 9 November 1553.
Source: Kent Archives Office, PRC 17-29-34.
Widow of Richard Sackett of St. Peters, Thanet.
Vicar, 4d.
Johane Bennette, feather bed, pair of sheets & blankets, 2 pewter platters, latten candlestick, little kettle, 10s.
Helyne Garrat, one ?ewe sheep.
Robert Walker / Walter, one ?ewe sheep.
Old mother Coklyne, 12d.
Godson John Allyne, 12d.
Godson Robert Emptage, 4d.
Goddau Agnes Bliett, 4d.
Goddau Margaret Cotynge, 4d.
Godson Gregory Barker, 4d.
John Spracklyne, a laver & 4d.
Executor: John Sackett, residue.
Witnesses: Sir John Lawson, vicar; Ric. Allyne.
In the name of God Amen the 28th day of December in the year of our Lord God 1551 I Margaret Sackette the widow of Richard Sackette of the parish of St. Peter within the Isle of Thanet whole of mind and memory ordain and make this my last will and testament in manner and form following:
First I commit my soul into the hands of almighty God and my body to be buried in the church yard of the parish aforesaid Also I give and Bequeath to our vicar 4d. Also I give and bequeath to Johane Bennette one feather bed a [?transer] a pair of sheets and a pair of blankets two pewter platters a latten candlestick a little kettle and 10s. of lawful money of England to be delivered unto her within a year immediately after my decease Also I give and bequeath to Helyne Garrat one [?ewe] sheep Also I give and bequeath to Robert Walker [or Walter?] one [?ewe] sheep Also I give and bequeath to old Mother Coklyne 12d. Also I give and bequeath to John Allyne my godson 12d. Also I give and bequeath to Robert Emptage my godson 4d. Also I give and bequeath to Agnes Bliett my goddaughter 4d. Also I give and bequeath to Margaret Cotynge my goddaughter 4d. Also I give and bequeath to Gregory Barker my godson 4d. Also I give and bequeath to John Spraklyne a laver and 4d in money. The residue of all my moveables my debts paid and the legacies of this my last will and testament fulfilled I give and bequeath to John Sackett whom I ordain and make my sole executor of this my last will and testament. There being witnesses sir John Lawson vicar there and Ric' Allyne with other no.